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Sunrise : 06:36
Sunset  : 19:32

Swanage Bay

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Swanage Bay

Swanage Bay is a beach of mostly sand interspersed with groynes, extending about 1½ miles from Swanage harbour to Ballard Down on the northern side. The bay is fairly shallow and the sea warms quickly on a hot day. It's generally safe for swimming but there can be weever fish. P&D parking can be found a short walk away and beach access is down steps, ramps or a slipway. Lifeguards patrol from Whitsun weekend until the second weekend in September. The town centre is at the southern end of the bay, and has a good selection of cafes, take-aways and beach shops. Other facilities include a Tourist Information Centre, toilets, cold water showers and deck-chair hire. Dogs are not allowed from 1st May until 30th September.

Looking towards the town
Looking towards the town
The northern end of the bay
The northern end of the bay
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