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Sunrise : 06:44
Sunset  : 19:40

Combe Martin

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Combe Martin

The town of Combe Martin sits in the steep-sided valley of the river Umber on the north-western edge of Exmoor. It has a small sheltered cove of coarse grey sand, backed by shingle and flanked by rocks and rockpools. Newberry Beach is on the south side, and cuts off from the main beach towards high tide, becoming a small cove. The shore is of coarse grey sand and small pebbles to which access is down steps or a slipway. A P&D car park is directly behind the beach, and a dog ban applies from 1st May until 30th September. Facilities in the village include toilets, cafes, a surf shop, beach shops and craft shops. On the north side of the beach, a concrete walkway (which covers a sewerage pipe) leads around to the next cove creating a large pool. The entrance to an old silver mine can be seen in the cliffs on the north side.

Early evening high tide
Early evening high tide
The next cove and silver mine adit
The next cove and silver mine adit
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